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Our vision is to generate a support system equipped to access, use, analyse, orient and develop action plans, on varied sectors for use by varied departments for systematic Policy Making & Evaluation and to better enable the Planning Department meet Social, Economic, Financial, and Natural Climatic challenges.


TGDPS is a registered society under Societies Registration Act 1898/ 2001. On bifurcation of state in terms of G.O. Ms. No.20. REVENUE(REG.II) Department Dated 18-08-2014. The erstwhile TGDPS has been taken over from 01.11.14 and is functioning separately.

Background: The society has been established way back in 2003 with the assistance of World Bank in 2003 under APHM & ECR project under the planning department. Later on, on closure of the project a separate autonomous society has been established on 01.3.2003 under the administrative control of Planning Department. The society was entrusted to take up Disaster Mitigation studies relating to “Rainfall-Run-off and Flood Forecasting, Cyclone model for Track, Wind and Storm Surge forecast to improve the early warning capabilities of State on natural disasters. The society in course of its working also started studies on Coastal Zone Management, Delta Water management, Preparation of Disaster Management Plans related to Cyclone, Drought and Earthquakes as part of its long term mitigation measures.

The Society was restructured on 01.4.12 to support Planning department activities pertaining to Result Framework based outcome monitoring to support planning and growth forecasting through professional support, mainstreaming the disaster mitigation and networking with various national and international organizations.


Objectives of TGDPS

Building a strong, reliable and accurate data on weather related parameters and real time dissemination system that can reach out to the communities at the lowest territorial units using all possible types of communications systems Generating vulnerability mapping for all types of disasters for the State, District, Mandals and Villages and prepares Disaster Mitigation plans and integrates them with the regular planning process at State, District and Panchayat levels Analysing climate change impacts in the state and preparing State, District, Mandal and Panchayat level climate change mitigation and adaptation plans with active participation of all stakeholders Carrying out pilot projects and research in emerging and critical areas of state’s economic and social sectors with participation of stakeholders towards supporting economic and social sector planning in the state Generating Sector Wise appraisals and reviews with the help from the current data and database (both tabular & GIS based) generated from associate units of the Planning Department, that will identify the gaps and generate action points Generating alternative innovative strategies, designs and analysis on varied issues and sectors will be encouraged and the same shared with the public at large through the website Conducting gap and growth analysis of the State’s Economic and Social Sectors and carry out modelling, making projections, forecasting and result framework based outcome monitoring to support Annual and Five Year Planning in the state in coordination with the Planning and Monitoring Units of line Departments

Main Activities of TGDPS
Weather Monitoring Unit: focus on automatic real time acquisition and dissemination of weather related parameters and involves in running of weather forecast and flood models and Drought monitoring. To facilitate data collection TGDPS has installed 1044 Automated Weather Stations (AWS), 64 global radiation sensors and 41 soil moisture sensors and, across the state to acquire data on real time basis. The AWS measures 6 weather parameters - Rainfall, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Pressure, Humidity and Temperature in addition it also measures Global radiation and soil moisture at desired location at every one hour interval and transmits it in the form of SMS using GSM technology. Presently, at least one AWS for each mandal is installed in a grid of 10km X 10km. River gauges measures the water level in the river at that particular location and transmits data at hourly interval.

Stake holders:

1.Agricultural farmers
2.Agricultural Insurance Corporation
6.Agricultural University
7.Agriculture Department
8.Disaster Management Department
9.Irrigation department

The data is being used by stake holders for proper planning and implementation of varied government programs and schemes. AWS data is also being used by Agriculture Insurance Company of India for implementation of Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) for various crops in the districts.
AWS – Data Flow
Evaluation & Monitoring Unit:

The Government has recognized the need for an effective use of credible evaluation as a tool to benchmark the state flagship programmes/schemes and to refine public policies with prudent and optimal use of resources for maximizing the intended and measurable outcomes and citizen satisfaction.
Aims of Evaluation shall be keeping in place a transparent, effective and efficient practice of evaluation of its development policies and programmes.

The objectives of Evaluation:

  • Prescribing standards of policy and programme formulation, monitoring, evaluation and refinement.
  • Institutionalizing enabled machinery and enforces timely, useful and accountable evaluation.
  • Enhanced technical capacities within the departments of the Government and effectively utilize evaluation outputs for informed decision-making.
  • Enhanced Stakeholders' satisfaction through participation, transparency and accountability.

In recognizing the significance of Evaluation & Monitoring of the government Programmes and Schemes, the TGDPS is entrusted with the task of conducting gap and growth analysis of the State’s Economic and Social Sectors, carrying out evidence based studies to improve programme design and delivery.
Carrying out the Result framework based outcome monitoring & Evaluation system to support the planning and programme management process. The main objective is to provide reliable analytical services to the departments implementing community development programmes.
The TGDPS has conducted evaluation studies on the following Flagship programmes of the State.


  • Kalyan Laksmi/ Shadi Mubarak
  • Evaluation of Public Distribution System(PDS)
  • Telangana State Industrial Project Approval and Self-Certification System (TS-iPASS) and
  • Research study on Labour Reforms.
  •  A study on impact assessment of Crop Loan Waiver in Telangana
  •  A Study on Skill Gap assessment in MSME Sector in Telangana
  • Research study on Labour Reforms

Recently, the TGDPS has also taken the task of Evaluation study on Post Project  Evaluation  of 47 Projects of first batch 2009-10 of IWMP and these (47) watershed projects are located in (17) districts of the State is under process.
The purpose of such evaluation studies is to assess the impact on the target group, apart from identifying operational problems and issues like relevancy of the programme to the target group.  Such evaluation studies also focus up on the sustainability aspect of such schemes. Many of these evidence based studies have come up with the concrete recommendations for course of corrections in the schemes/ programmes and have provided empirical evidence and guidance to improve efficiency and Services at delivery point and stakeholder satisfaction.


Development Planning Unit:

assists in steering the planning department in charting a planned development process in the state. The focus is on initialising studies, research, reviews, appraisals and data base on key growth parameters in the state. The Society collects data from different departments / schemes / programmes, analyses growth patterns and trends, identifies gaps and areas of concern, collates interdepartmental data to get both a Macro and Micro picture of the functioning of sectors and programmes that aid in planning the key areas of focus in terms of funds, allocations, schemes, locations and types of interventions to be undertaken. The Planning activity with the support of a specialised unit is poised to become a professional exercise where trends and concerns pinpoint the focus areas and assist in preparing the action plans. The Planning exercise can with this focus transform from a mechanical and routine exercise into a demand driven, target oriented and effective tool that can hugely enhance developmental prospects of the state.

Aims and objectives of the Society:

  1. - To carry out vulnerability mapping for all types of disasters like cyclones, floods, droughts and earthquakes for the state, district, mandals and panchayats,
  1. - To prepare disaster mitigation plans for all types disasters like cyclone, floods, drought and earthquakes for the state, districts, mandals and panchayats and integrate it with the regular planning process at state, district and panchayat levels,
  1. To build a strong, reliable and accurate disaster warning dissemination system and reach out to the communities at the lowest territorial units using all possible types of communication systems,
  1. To analyze climate change impacts in the state and prepare state, district, mandal and panchayats level climate change mitigation and adaptation plans with active participation of all stakeholders,
  1. To conduct gap and growth analysis of the state’s economic and social sectors and carry out modeling, making projections, forecasting, variance analysis and performance monitoring to support short term and long term planning in the state,
  1. To carry out pilot projects and research in emerging and critical areas of state’s economic and social sectors with participation of stakeholders towards supporting economic and social sector planning in the state,
  1. To accept grants, donations, funds from the state government, Government of India, bilateral or multilateral funding agencies, non government organizations (NGOs), semi government organizations, state government and central government undertakings, public and private companies, trusts and private individuals interested in participating in or supporting disaster mitigation activities,
  1. To raise loans, if necessary, and
  1. To utilize the funds and undertake the activities of the Society either directly or through government departments, state or central government undertakings, semi government organizations, NGOs or private philanthropic organizations for achieving its aims and objectives.

Departmental ACTIVITIES
The salient features of Telangana Development Planning Society (TGDPS) activities are as follows.
Weather Monitoring & Disaster Management Support Activities

    1. - Weather Data management on six parameters i.e, Rainfall, Temperature, Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Direction and Pressure since last 10 years.
    2. - Installed 1044 Automatic Weather Stations  (10X10 km)
    3. - Based on Weather data, Analysis Reports and Spatial maps of Weather parameters Prepared
    4. Dynamic Real Time Data Dissemination through Website, LED display boards and Mobile App of the Weather products generated.
    5. - Weather Forecasting (WRF Model) – regular 3-days Weather Forecast (Rainfall & Temperature) is prepared and disseminated for the purpose of administrative officers and agriculture purposes. 3km resolution WRF model outputs are being used for generating Mandal (Tehsil) level advisories for farmers in collaboration with IMD.
    6. - Supports Disaster management activities in the state by disseminating real time weather alerts to take necessary precautionary measures.
    7. -Supports Agricultural activities by Drought Monitoring and Facilitation of Crop Insurance

Monitoring & Evaluation of Government Schemes

    1. Monitoring & Evaluation studies of community development programmes like Kalyana Laxmi,Shadi Mubarak, Civil Supplies, TSipass, MSME, Presently  the evaluation on IWMP project of RD is under progress.

District Knowledge and Innovation Centres (DKICs)

  1. The centres have been set up in each of the erstwhile Districts (except, Hyderabad), in order to facilitate analysis of Samagra Kutumba Survey(SKS) data and Geo-spatial data and also other data bases, for providing policy input to the District Collectors from time to time. Coordinating Officers have been deputed in the cadre of Statistical Officer/ Dy.SO on deputation basis in all erstwhile district head quarters to coordinate the TGDPS activities. Where ever Coordinating Officers are not available out sourcing staff has been engaged in the cadre of data entry operator.
    • In this centre one scientific officer from TRAC, one Coordinating officer from TGDPS and e- district manager (EDM) from collectorate will work.